0800 FIX NOW 
(0800 349 669) 
160b Selwyn St, Christchurch

0800 FIX NOW 
(0800 349 669) 
160b Selwyn St, Christchurch

Why You Should buy a Laptop from a Computer Repair Shop

We hate broken computers, that’s why we love fixing them! And the one thing we hate more than a broken computer coming in, is a customer thinking they’ve got a great deal from a local laptop reseller, but instead they;’ve been tricked into buying a lemon. That makes us sad.
When you invest so much money in a laptop, you really want it to last a long time. Some of these brands aren’t necessarily cheaper, but we get so many in for repairs that feel for the pain the customer is about to have over the next few years.

 laptop shop sales repair

Often, computer resellers only give a 1-year warranty on a laptop, which is often an indicator of the quality. Not always but often. What makes things tricky is you can have two laptops with identical specs such as CPU, RAM, SSD size and screen size and yet one is twice the price of the other? Why is this? Because the expensive one uses components that are much higher in quality – it’s not unusual to see a “business quality” laptop last 3 to 5 times longer than a laptop half it’s price. So, in the long run, they are actually much cheaper.

To be reliable, the computer will have used higher quality components rather than cheap parts that can be put into a laptop. This is a nasty trap for customers, as two different laptops may have the same "specs" and yet one is twice the price of the other …probably, but not always. There is also the chance you are just paying more for the brand name. Brands that charge a premium for their brand include HP, Lenovo and Toshiba. These were once quality brands, but now compete in the low end of the “knock off” pool.

When you talk to an actual technician about a laptop, you get quite a different perspective than when you talk to a person whose job and expertise is in selling. Their focus is on getting your cash and getting you out the door. Our focus is on getting the right laptop for you, making sure it’s quality so that when you do purchase you don’t have to see us for a very long time.

If you ever DO have problems with one of our laptops, as you can imagine, as a repair shop, we are completely ready to promptly and efficiently look at any issue. Only in the rarest cases do we need to send a laptop  away. Some places must do this for all warranty repairs, and typically the computer is away for 2–4 weeks. That’s a long time to now be able to do your work, study or fun.

We are clued-up on the latest developments and what’s around the corner, so we can warn you about any possible difficulties coming up that may relate to your situation.

We also understand the hassle that a new computer, whilst being shiny and new and exciting, can really be! It’s fun to unbox and turn it on and see everything looking so nice. But then it doesn’t have any of your documents or photos. Your email isn’t setup. You can’t remember the passwords to those dozen crucial websites that you use all the time. The passwords were set up so long ago, you wonder if there really is a password for your email or login. But there is. And it’s on your old laptop. Along with your old emails, your photos, your desktop pics. What’s the Wi-Fi password again? Why isn’t anything printing?!


With our bundle deals not only do you get the computer, but we also transfer all your documents, files and email etc to the correct locations, restore Wi-Fi, printers and browser passwords for all those websites AND we come out to your place to set it up and sit down with you to make sure everything is how you remember it.  Not only that we include a full price antivirus, a high quality mouse, laptop bag and screen cleaner kit.


Call NOW and chat to one of our team about an option to suit you
0800 FIX NOW


You can read more here. https://www.chnz.co.nz/blogs/laptop-purchase-guide