0800 FIX NOW 
(0800 349 669) 
160b Selwyn St, Christchurch

0800 FIX NOW 
(0800 349 669) 
160b Selwyn St, Christchurch

Computer Repairs

Computer Repairs

Computer repairs are really important to us here at Computer Help NZ. It's what we do. But we want to do more than simply repair a computer, whether it's a laptop, desktop, Apple or PC, we want to fix it in a way that is fast and friendly.

We've worked really hard over the years to perfect our systems so you get your computer repaired as quickly as possible. Christchurch people deserve for their computers to be fixed speedily. But there is no point aiming to fix computers quickly if you don't measure it. So we do! Every computer repair job that comes in to us has a time stamp added to it and then when the fix is complete we note the time down and calculate the time taken. Looking at this year, from Jan 1 to Aug 8 (today) our average repair time was 6.1 hours. We only include "working hours", so if you had that 6 hour repair time, and you dropped it off at 4.30pm one day, it would, on average, be ready by 1.30pm the next day. Of course, this is an average repair time, so depending on what you have wrong, will depend on the actual time it takes to get your computer going again!
We also want to be friendly. To do this we use language that you'll be able to understand and give analogies to help understand what is going on. We even have a few computer parts opened up to help you understand how the computer works.

Computers can be scary, and we often invest so much of our heart in them that when something goes wrong it can be quite upsetting. Our aim is to minimize as much of that pain as possible.

Friendly Advice in Plain English. Same Day Computer Repairs
0800 FIX NOW