In this article I’ll show you the 3 things to look for when looking for a great computer repair technician. This will help you to have confidence that you are getting great value for money and your computing device (laptop, desktop, tablet or phone) is not going to get wrecked.
Are They Dressed Tidily?
First impressions count – for a reason. I’ve noticed that people who are sloppy with their uniform (the computer technician IS wearing a uniform, right?!) are often sloppy with their computer repair. Why? Because the lack of attention to detail which you get to see as soon as they walk in the room reveals the lack of attention to detail when it comes to a computer repair – which you may not see until too late.
It seems a bit shallow but my years of experience have shown this to be accurate time and time again. What do you think?
Similarly, do they arrive on time or call to advise you otherwise?
Do They Have All The Right Tools?
Just the other day we had a Macbook come in which the previous tech had damaged the screws because they simply didn’t have the right tools. See the picture above. Most Macbooks require a star shape screwdriver to undo them. There are a variety of sizes but they are NOT expensive computer repair tools. Nevertheless, this previous technician decided to get a hacksaw, cut across the screws, then use a flat head screwdriver to undo them. This would be like a mechanic not having a wrench and using a hammer instead!
Sadly, this isn’t unusual.
The difficult part is telling whether they have the right tools or not. My suggestion for you would be to observe them from time to time and if they are using a tool that looks like it’s not being used successfully and easily (computer repair tools are designed to make the job easier) then perhaps, just perhaps, they don’t have the right tools.
Do They Understand Computers?
You’d think I wouldn’t need to say this one but I have found and seen videos of other computer technicians that clearly demonstrate they don’t understand HOW a computer works or otherwise they wouldn’t be coming up with such a diagnosis.
One of the things we look for in potential staff technicians is whether they understand the logic of a computer. I find that 90% of the applicants have a “guess and see” approach to computer repair.
For example, I ask them how to diagnose a computer that is running slow. The typical computer-repair-is-art technician offers me a variety of possible solutions from virus or malware infection to reinstalling Windows or the Operating System. BUT the correct answer is for them to investigate and look at the key indicators that will show WHERE the issue lies. This is a scientific approach, which, as you can imagine for computer repair, is the right approach. In this case, if they have Windows 8 or 10 you can simply open the task manager, look at the performance tab and see which of the CPU, RAM or HDD is running high. With this test, you’ll may know specifically within a few seconds where the issue lies. Of course, in this particular example, there may be other issues, but this simple analysis of the issue, as opposed to a guess, will get us going in the right direction.
Well, I hope this has been useful to you, feel free to share it with anyone who is looking for a computer repair.
Matthew Gilling
General Manager
Computer Help NZ
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