Nostalgia - Computer Help in 2002
Below is our very first newsletter. Boy how times have changed, technology has improved and we've grown.
Look out for mentions of Windows 98 and CD-ROMs! It even has our old number before we changed.
Not to mention the addition of Steve, who has been with the company for 19 years now!
I hope you enjoy the read.
Welcome - November 2002
Welcome to the first Computer Help email
Newsletter. This email newsletter has
special offers, that our snail newsletter
doesn’t have, and comes out 4 times a
year. Please enjoy. If for any reason you
would like to be removed, please reply with
the word ‘unsubscribe’ as the subject.
CD Writers for cheap!
If your computer is not more than 5 years
old we can install a CD Writer for you.
These are very good quality CD writer and
really the only thing limiting the speed they
can record at, is the speed of your
computer. So every installation includes a
FREE clean up of your computer (as well
as installing and setting).
Total cost including installation
is $249 incl. GST
If your computer is 5 years or old, we still
may be able to go ahead, but we can’t
confirm, so call and we will give you a
quote, over the phone.
Useful Tip #1
When you want to change the number of
colours your screen displays, or the screen
area. Just right click, in a blank part of the
screen and then left click on properties.
Then click on ‘settings’ and make your
changes as required.
Steve Abrey…
…has just joined the team at Computer
Help. He has just completed our rigorous
training course (which we now make all our
employees complete). This course ensures
that he not only knows the best ways to fix
your computer, but that he also will keep up
the high standards that you, our clients, set
for us.
On a personal note, Steve is 35 years old, is
married with 5 children and does voluntary
work for an organization called 0800
HUNGRY, which supplies food to those in
need in Christchurch.
Free Giveaways
Will be giving away a ONE YEAR
subscription to NetGuide Magazine, to a
randomly chosen customer.
We also have 20 novelty foam bricks (to
throw at your computer-without breakage!!!)
to those that use our service in November
and December
The foam bricks come from a company
called Design A Gift. They have a range of
awesome merchandise and can be
contacted at
These prizes are only available to those
who get our email newsletter or who ring up
and join.
Interesting Links
We’ve discovered some pretty interesting
link of the last few months (I’m sure there
are probably millions more).
The Dialectizer takes text or other web
pages and instantly creates parodies of
them! Try it out by selecting a dialect, then
entering a URL or English text. Dialects
include-Redneck, Jive, Swedish Chef…..
What happens when you retranslate a
sentence from one language to another and
back again? Come and see. (edit-I've updated this link)
404: Ever surfed the net and got those’404-
not found’ messages. Well this is the most
interesting one I’ve seen (albeit very long) no longer works)
A new baby
Matt and Janine had a little girl, named Zoe,
on 25th July, she’s doing well and is very
much loved by her older brother (Benjamin)
as well as her parents!
Time for a new printer?
If you need a new printer for your computer and you’ve got
Windows 98 or newer, then this could be
the one for you….
A Canon S100SP Bubble Jet Printer,
Total cost, including onsite setup
is $179 incl. GST
Laptop for Sale?!?!?!?!?
Not for those with back problems!!!!!
Useful Tip #2
Running out of hard drive space? Try these
tips. Start Internet Explorer, go to ‘tools’,
then ‘internet options’, about halfway down
the page, click on ‘settings’. You will see a
box with “(a number) mb” if this number is
more than about 40 , click on it and type
‘40’, then click ‘ok’, and ‘ok’.
Step 2 right-click on the recycle bin, left
click on ‘properties’. Change the slide bar to
3%, then click ok.
Step uninstall as many programs as
possible. This is best done in ‘add/remove
programs’, which you will find in the ‘control
panel’, which is in ‘My computer’
Some Statistics
13% of computer in the U.S. last year had a
fault that made them inoperable, within the
first month!
11% more had a fault that the user could
‘live with’, again, within the first month!
38% of people that rung a help line said
they had waited for “an unreasonable
amount of time”
Who plays computer and video games? It's
not just kids and boys: 69% of high-
frequency players are over 18, and 49%
are female.
Useful Tip #3
To avoid unwanted emails or virii- put a
code word in the subject of your emails that
only friends and family know about. If you
receive any email without the code word,
you can be suspicious of it, and perhaps
delete it.
Something to think about…
“Thinking is not an easy matter, and
obviously, many in the world avoid it. The
way of a pioneer is hard. It is hard to select,
analyse, understand and make accurate
conclusions from an array of facts, and the
possibility of an error is high. Mr. Osborne,
inventor of the computer on which I type
this material, was a leader in his field - and
is long since bankrupt. His forte was
computers, not marketing.
IBM, maker of some of the industry's
tackiest and most unimaginative
equipment, follows the crowd with products
that, if undramatic, nevertheless have the
reputation for always getting there in the
end. Their speciality is marketing, not
computers. IBM's bankruptcy is not
expected in the immediate future. It's the
story of the hare and the tortoise all over
Thanks for your support of Computer Help
NZ. Hope you enjoyed this newsletter. If
you have any ideas for articles or content
please contact me.
Well all the best, happy computing and…
D O N ’T P A N I C
Any inquiries please
call Matt at Computer Help
Computer Help November_2002.pdf
Friendly Advice in Plain English.
0800 FIX NOW