0800 FIX NOW 
(0800 349 669) 
160b Selwyn St, Christchurch

0800 FIX NOW 
(0800 349 669) 
160b Selwyn St, Christchurch

Christmas Computer Pictures

Here is a collection of some fun and silly computer images with a Christmas theme. I particularly like the old vintage pictures as they are just so cute - we used to think those computers were so awesome.

I hope you enjoy them. If you need any computer repairs, please call us and we and help you out promptly.

Want a computer for Christmas in 1985? Enjoy this blazingly fast PC!

christmas computer vintage

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Big Sur? No Ma’am!

Last week, Apple launched their latest operating system, MacOS 11, named “Big Sur”. Unfortunately, it has been plagued by a host of problems, as Apple enthusiasts have found out first-hand.

Testing of Big Sur has revealed major concerns, one of the largest is that Apple apps now connect to a server to confirm that the use is legitimate. The big problem is that if the Mac device cannot connect to this server for any reason, such as a bad internet connection, or if Apple’s server is down then the computer may not run at all! There are also security concerns related to this, as it bypasses any firewalls, which could possibly be exploited by malicious software.

big sur macbook

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Sad cat

Free Backup Check

As we approach the end of year and reflect on the trials we've faced, we've perhaps wished that we were better prepared for the headaches we've endured.  Most would say we've learned what to expect now if we face such circumstances again, just like those lessons from the quakes 10 years ago.  Awareness and preparedness.  Insurance, bottled water and a little non-perishable food stashed aside would be common for Christchurch households these days.  We're all looking forward to putting this year behind us and thinking about what 2021 will look like. What will we do differently this year?  How do we prepare?

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The Power of Numlock

The Power of Numlock

Have you ever found the mouse has stopped and you wonder "has my computer just crashed?". I have a simple but quite effective test for you!

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Office 2010 Has Expired

Office 2010 Has Expired

If you are still using Office 2010 (or earlier) on either Mac or PC, it has expired and presents a security risk.

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Alert: Nano Adblocker Goes Rogue

October 2021

If you, like many people, use Chrome or Edge as your internet browser then it’s quite possible you are also using Nano Adblocker which has just been declared by Google to be MALWARE.

Nano adblocker

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TP-Link Powerline - Five FAQs

TP-Link Powerline - Five FAQs

TP-Link Powerline Internet Solution

Powerline is a way of getting internet from one room of your house to another in the situation where your wireless isn't strong enough and you have no network cabling to use. It taps into the electrical circuit of your house and uses to send a network signal. It is definitely a workaround and not the perfect solution but it is convenient. Here is the answers to five commonly asked questions.

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Printers - Great When They are Working!

Printers - Great When They are Working!

Printers - Great when they are working!
If you are like me, you expect your printer to be working when you click file & print. It's frustrating when you do this and get no response! It's no so bad if you go look at the printer and find it's only that it needs more paper added or maybe some ink - you have spare ink, right? But when everything seems to be ok but nothing is happening? Dang, what next?

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What To Do when The Internet Goes Out

What To Do when The Internet Goes Out

When you lose internet is often a panic and you wonder what you can do. Here's THREE very basic things to try before you call us - no need to pay for us to do something simple you can do fix your own internet! Our purpose to help you with your internet and other computer issues and if we can do that without coming around - all the better.

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