0800 FIX NOW 
(0800 349 669) 
160b Selwyn St, Christchurch

0800 FIX NOW 
(0800 349 669) 
160b Selwyn St, Christchurch

How Choose a Good Computer Technician

How Choose a Good Computer Technician

In this article I’ll show you the 3 things to look for when looking for a great computer repair technician. This will help you to have confidence that you are getting great value for money and your computing device (laptop, desktop, tablet or phone) is not going to get wrecked.

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Creators Update Computers Not Shutting Down

Creators Update Computers Not Shutting Down

PRESS RELEASE: Creator’s Update Windows 10 Computer’s Not Shutting Down.

Date: 25 Jan 2018 11:28am Christchurch, New Zealand

After the update from Windows 10, some computer users may find their computer will no longer shut down or hibernate. The Windows 10 Creator Update is the cause for several users. The shutdown commands work using a command line (shutdown -s -t 00)

Three areas to investigate.

updates suck computer

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Why I Couldn’t Shutdown My Laptop?

Why I Couldn’t Shutdown My Laptop?

No, it wasn’t cruel and obsessive addiction with Facebook or Instagram. Neither was it a case of being able to stop watching YouTube videos. I couldn’t actually shutdown it down! To be precise whenever I would click shutdown on the laptop it would go through the shutdown process and then start up again. The same thing happened when I tried to hibernate too!

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Spilled Something On Your Laptop, Phone or Tablet?

Spilled Something On Your Laptop, Phone or Tablet?

So you’ve spilled something on your laptop? STOP reading right now and turn that computer off! Now! (By computer I mean any computing device - laptop, phone, tablet, desktop etc)


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Mac Repairs For a Fifth of the Cost

Mac Repairs For a Fifth of the Cost

A customer came in last month with a faulty headphone socket on her Macbook Pro. She was quoted $1400 plus by another company for the repair job. Fourteen hundred dollars!

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PRESS RELEASE: Firefox Quantum Tested

PRESS RELEASE: Firefox Quantum Tested

Date: 8 Dec 2017 11:28pm Christchurch, New Zealand

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Firefox Quantum - Faster Computing

Firefox Quantum - Faster Computing

Version 57 of Mozilla Firefox browser has come out a few weeks back, so is it better? Will your computer open websites faster like they are trying to make out with the new name? Yup, much faster.

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How Long Does a MacBook Last?

How Long Does a MacBook Last?

Most available data gives Apple a 3-year failure rate between 15% and 17%, which is fairly in line with other top quality vendors like Asus and Toshiba - not as amazing as you might think?

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I first played Adventureland, the computer game, with my dad. I was maybe 10 years old and it was utterly fascinating. Here was a world you could interact with and it was all on a computer. There was a dragon that you dare not wake, a bottomless pit to climb down (but only part way or else!) and of course, chiggers. Yeah, chiggers. As a kid I had never even heard of them. I barely know what they are now. But the mystery that it created was enthralling.

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