0800 FIX NOW 
(0800 349 669) 
160b Selwyn St, Christchurch

0800 FIX NOW 
(0800 349 669) 
160b Selwyn St, Christchurch

Computer Repairs During the Covid-19 Lockdown

COVID-19 Lockdown & Computer Repairs.

We can still HELP you with your repairs...but only in some situations!

As per the government shutdown Computer Help NZ's workshop/office (DON'T come down to 160b Selwyn) and on-site repair service will be closed as of Wed 5.30pm until the lockdown is lifted.
BUT, our remote repair service WILL be available.

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Computer Repair Workshop Complete - Mostly!

Computer Repair Workshop Complete - Mostly!

Workshop Renovation

This is me. Taking off the "Excuse Our Construction" sign. It signifies that we have finally completed our construction on the new computer repair workshop. We are now able to fix more computers, more quickly. There's has been a big rush lately with Windows 7 expiring and many people needing their laptops, desktops and all-in-ones upgraded to Microsoft Windows 10, so it's great to have a little more space to do your repairs.

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Computer Repair Workshop Refit

Our Computer Repair Workshop Refit is Nearly Done!

Mini Post:
We've working on it for the past 6 months, but the new, improved and expanded workshop is nearly done. Many of you will have seen the progress. Over the past few months we've painted the exterior, moved to next door, kept the original shop and made it a specialist tech area, and then finally re-did the flooring and added some more computer tech benches, so we can fix more computers more quickly. Faster computer repairs for Christchurch!

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Windows 10 Madness

Windows 10 Madness

The past 2 months have been mad! With Microsoft dropping support for Windows 7 there has been a last-minute flurry by half of Christchurch to upgrade their computers. :) I'm exaggerating of course, but it has been very busy - approximately double our workload and the "other half" has been computers (laptops and desktops) that been the upgrade. This really pushed out our repair times. We usually fix computers within 24 hours, but we were getting up to 48 or even 72 hours for some. Thankfully most of this rush is over now, and we're back to normal.

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Supergold Discount for Computer Repairs

Supergold Discount for Computer Repairs

It's OFFICIAL, we now officially offer a discount to SuperGold Card members. Officially! Actually we've been doing a discount for seniors for so long that I can't even remember how many years it is.

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New Computer Technician

New Computer Technician

Computer Help is looking to employ a new technician! We have been VERY busy the last few months with a HUGE demand for computer repairs from customers. Steve has been fully booked a few days at a time which isn't great for our 24-hour repair target for your computer. Paul and James in the office have been flat tack too!
The great news... 

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Computer Parts Make Music

This ingenious person, known only as bd594, has made some old computer parts sing again. He has taken old hard drives, scanners and other computer parts that were either useless or not worth repairing and made them make music.

musical computers

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Don't Bath and Charge

Don't Bath and Charge

Surprisingly, but sadly, 8 Russians have died this year from electrocution due to using a cell phone in the bath while it was charging.

The latest was Evgenia Shulyatyeva, a 26-year-old accountant whose phone slipped from her grasp, entered the water and the full voltage of the mains power killed her instantly.

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So You Wanna Go Viral?

So You Wanna Go Viral?

Think again. Levi Hawken, most commonly known as the "nek minnit" guy would suggest that kind of fame isn't great. He and his mate made a video for a joke and it was pretty funny. A lot of people got on their computers and watched it. But, as Levi says, they not only laughed at the joke but at Levi too thinking he was a poor, stupid crack-head or something. Actually he has a medical condition which is why he has that look and the character he put on was just that...a silly impersonation.

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