0800 FIX NOW 
(0800 349 669) 
160b Selwyn St, Christchurch

0800 FIX NOW 
(0800 349 669) 
160b Selwyn St, Christchurch

Internet Banking Passwords

Internet Banking Passwords

An annoying change happened to browsers last year, and we seeing it regularly on some customers' computers still. This email alert is for you to check if you have this issue. The issue is your computer REMEMBERING your BANKING PASSWORD. It is dangerous for your computer to remember the password for a couple of reasons...

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How To Improve Your Wifi Router Performance pt3

How To Improve Your Wifi Router Performance pt3

This is the third of three parts about WiFi performance in routers. You want your internet fast and don't want to wait! Fair enough. It's a fairly complex topic so that is why I'm splitting it into three parts. Of course if it's too much, feel free to get one of our techs to help - 0800349669

Here's the final 5 tips of a total of 10.

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How To Improve Your Wifi Router Performance pt2

How To Improve Your Wifi Router Performance pt2

This is the second of three parts about WiFi performance in routers. You want your internet fast and don't want to wait! Fair enough. It's a fairly complex topic so that is why I'm splitting it into three parts. Of course if it's too much, feel free to get one of our techs to help - 0800349669

Now that you understand the top 5 factors that affect WiFi performance, it’s time to take a closer thing at some of the things you can do to improve it.

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FBI Warning About Windows 7

Even the FBI Thinks Windows 7 is Insecure

Do I mean that Windows 7 has a self-esteem problem? No, I mean the security is Windows 7 isn't good. One of the reasons, is that it is no longer being updated. No updates, means not security patches fixing the holes discovered by hackers and other individuals with nothing better to do than to ruin your day. Your computer could have its data compromised, passwords published or just messed up.

FBI windows7 computer

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Improve Your Router's WiFi Performance

Improve Your Router's WiFi Performance

What You Can Do to Improve Your Router's WiFi Performance - part 1

This is the first of 3 parts about WiFi performance in routers. You want your internet fast and don't want to wait! Fair enough. It's a fairly complex topic so that is why I'm splitting it into three parts. Of course if it's too much, feel free to get one of our techs to help - 0800349669

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Computer Repairs at Level 2 - Part 2

Computer Repairs at Level 2 - Part 2

It's been an exciting two weeks under level two. We were flooded with large numbers of computers that have been waiting to get repaired as things broke over the lockdown. We fixed all sort of things from MacBooks to iPads to HP All-in-One computers to Asus laptops.

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Computer Repairs at Level 2

Computer Repairs at Level 2

Our workshop is open!

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Level 3 Computer Repairs Christchurch

From Tuesday 28th NZ will be at lockdown level 3, and we'll be able to fix your computers and laptops etc via non-contact repairs. We’re offering a half price, $30, call-out for level 3. If you need help with anything to do with your computer give us a call!

How will it work?

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Are Computer Repairs Essential?

Are Computer Repairs Essential?

Computer Help is investigating the possibility of doing no contact computer repairs. We're in the process of talking with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment about how we can safely provide hands-on repairs.

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